Endless Jump Game Online - Play Free Fun Frogs Web Games
Prepare for an endless adventure in frog jumping like never before! Dive into the world of Endless Jump, where you'll experience the captivating parallax effect and enjoy thrilling gameplay. This web game promises to keep you entertained for hours on end with its exciting challenges and addictive nature. Get ready to have a blast as you embark on this thrilling jumping journey!
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How to Play Endless Jump Game
Left mouse click to jump.
How far can a frog Jump?
According to frogsaregreen.org many frogs can jump at least 30 times their body length, and some smaller species of tree frogs can jump 50 times their length. This is the human equivalent of jumping the length of a football field without a running start. Some frogs in the genus Rhacophorus, flying or gliding frogs of Asia, can go even longer distances. These frogs have webbed toes that they use as parachutes to slow their fall and glide from one tree to the next, or to the ground. Jumping helps frogs avoid predators; the skeletons of some species are modified to absorb the shock when they land. Not all frogs are long jumpers. The narrowmouth toads of the southeast and or the Mexican burrowing toad can only hop a few inches.
Fun Facts about Frog Leaping
According to frogsaregreen.org there are many fun facts about frog leaping. Not all frogs can leap, or even hop. The desert rain frog has legs that are too short to hop. Instead, it walks. Male frogs of the genus Pipa are known to defend their territory by jumping at and then wrestling other males. The New Guinea bush frog takes jump attacks one step further: before it jumps at a strange frog, it inflates itself and shows off its blue tongue. The Fuji tree frog may be the leaping stuntman of the frog world. Each time it leaps, it twists in the air sometimes even 180 degrees to throw predators off its trail. The record for longest jump by an American bullfrog recorded in a scientific paper is a little over 4 feet. But scientists who went to the Calaveras County Fair, which Mark Twain's short story made famous for frog jumping, found that more than half the competitors bested that record and one jumped more than 7 feet in one leap!